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Community Solar Projects: Bringing Clean Energy to Underserved Communities

by | Mar 22, 2023


As the demand for clean, renewable energy continues to grow, community solar projects have emerged as a promising solution to expand access to solar power to underserved communities. These initiatives aim to democratize renewable energy production and distribution, allowing individuals who might not have the resources or space for private solar installations to reap the environmental and economic benefits of solar power. This article will explore the concept of community solar projects, their benefits, and how they are transforming the energy landscape in underserved communities.

  1. What are community solar projects?

Community solar projects, also known as solar gardens or shared solar farms, are large-scale solar power installations shared by multiple households or businesses within a community. These projects enable participants to purchase a portion of the solar array’s output or invest in the project, allowing them to benefit from solar energy without installing their own solar panels. Community solar projects can be developed by utility companies, private developers, or nonprofit organizations, often in partnership with local governments or community groups.

  1. Benefits of community solar projects

Community solar projects offer several advantages to both individuals and communities, including:

a. Accessibility

One of the main barriers to solar energy adoption is the upfront cost of installing solar panels. Community solar projects eliminate this obstacle by allowing individuals to purchase a share of a larger solar installation, which typically has lower costs per watt of capacity. This makes solar power accessible to low-income households, renters, and those with unsuitable roofs for solar installations.

b. Flexibility

Participants in community solar projects can purchase as much or as little of the solar array’s output as they need, allowing them to tailor their investment to their energy consumption patterns. Additionally, if a participant moves within the same utility service area, they can often transfer their share to their new residence.

c. Environmental impact

By pooling resources and investing in a larger solar installation, community solar projects can achieve economies of scale, leading to greater overall environmental benefits. These projects help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels while promoting clean energy development.

d. Economic benefits

Community solar projects often create local jobs in the renewable energy sector, from project planning and construction to ongoing maintenance and operation. Additionally, by lowering energy costs for participants, these projects can help to alleviate energy poverty and stimulate local economies.

  1. Community solar projects in underserved communities

Underserved communities, including low-income neighborhoods and rural areas, often face unique challenges in accessing renewable energy. These challenges may include limited access to financing, lack of suitable rooftop space, or insufficient knowledge about solar energy options. Community solar projects can help address these barriers by providing a more accessible and affordable way to invest in solar energy. Some examples of community solar initiatives in underserved communities include:

a. Solar for All

The Solar for All program in Washington, D.C., aims to provide 100,000 low-income households with access to solar energy by 2032. The program offers free community solar subscriptions to income-eligible residents, allowing them to benefit from solar energy without any upfront costs. Participants can save up to 50% on their electricity bills through the program.

b. Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) initiatives

In rural areas, where energy costs are often higher and access to renewable energy is limited, Rural Electric Cooperatives (RECs) have been instrumental in developing community solar projects. For example, the Roanoke Electric Cooperative in North Carolina offers a community solar program that allows members to purchase solar shares, reducing their monthly electricity bills and promoting clean energy adoption in the region.

c. Nonprofit-driven projects

Nonprofit organizations, such as GRID Alternatives, play a crucial role in bringing community solar projects to underserved communities. GRID Alternatives partners with local governments, utilities, and other stakeholders to

develop community solar projects that benefit low-income households, offering job training and hands-on installation experience to community members in the process.

d. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Public-private partnerships can also play a significant role in expanding community solar access to underserved communities. For instance, the Colorado Energy Office partnered with GRID Alternatives and local utilities to launch the Low-Income Community Solar Demonstration Project, which aimed to demonstrate the viability of community solar as a tool to address energy poverty. The project successfully installed solar arrays that benefitted hundreds of low-income households, providing valuable insights for future community solar initiatives.

  1. Challenges and the way forward

Despite the numerous benefits of community solar projects, there are challenges to overcome in order to scale these initiatives in underserved communities. Some of the key challenges include:

a. Financing

Securing financing for community solar projects can be difficult, particularly in low-income neighborhoods where creditworthiness might be a concern. Innovative financing mechanisms, such as crowdfunding, green bonds, or low-interest loans from public institutions, can help address this challenge.

b. Regulatory barriers

Complex regulatory frameworks can impede the development of community solar projects. Streamlining the permitting process and promoting consistent policies across jurisdictions can help reduce barriers to entry for community solar developers.

c. Awareness and education

Raising awareness about the benefits of community solar projects and providing education on available options is essential to increasing adoption in underserved communities. Collaborative efforts between local governments, utilities, and nonprofit organizations can help bridge this information gap.

d. Ensuring equitable access

To ensure that community solar projects truly benefit underserved communities, it is crucial to prioritize inclusivity and equitable access. This can involve offering sliding-scale pricing, dedicating a portion of project capacity to low-income subscribers, or providing targeted outreach and education efforts.


Community solar projects hold tremendous potential to democratize access to clean energy and bring about tangible environmental and economic benefits for underserved communities. By addressing the challenges associated with financing, regulation, and awareness, stakeholders can unlock the full potential of community solar initiatives, helping to bridge the clean energy divide and foster a more sustainable and equitable energy future.